Dr. John Schultz

Chief Scientist
(678) 279-5825 x804
1005 Alderman Drive


  • Electromagnetic materials design and characterization


  • PhD Materials Engineering, University of Dayton, 1997
  • M.A. Physics, University of Texas, 1990
  • B.S Physics, University of Maryland, 1987
  • Former Tech Fellow at Georgia Tech Research Institute


Focused Beam Methods


Focused Beam Methods 


Brief Biography

Dr. Schultz is the Chief Scientist at the Compass Technology Group where he leads research and development efforts in RF materials and measurement technology. Previously he was a Technical Fellow at the Georgia Tech Research Institute, where he led programs in experimental and computational research on the electromagnetic properties of materials, structures, and antennas. He has developed materials characterization methodologies via free-space, waveguide, resonant cavity, and impedance analysis instrumentation. He has also modeled electromagnetic composite materials and developed new composite material concepts for novel antenna applications. He has used thermal analysis, microscopy, and analytical techniques to correlate microstructure to macroscopic properties in his research for providing new insight into electromagnetic material characteristics. Dr. Schultz has also developed new techniques for microwave measurement of scatter phenomena and has applied these techniques to materials ranging from composites to camouflage nets. Dr. Schultz’s backscatter methodologies have become an accepted standard method for characterizing diffuse microwave scatter in numerous government and industrial laboratories. In previous positions, he has worked in the areas of novel polymer processing including stereolithography, polymer film formation, and conductive polymers.