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A Microwave Spot Probe Method for Scanning Aircraft Radomes

Non-Destructive Test Method for Aircraft Radomes

We present a non-destructive testing (NDT) method for detecting mechanical defects in radomes. The technique is based on analysis of microwave spectra measurements captured from handheld spot probes. The measurements are processed using microwave transmission line theory, and empirical lineshape fitting, with the results of the processing providing the likelihood of the presence of defects. 

Examples of Defect Detections Using Spot Probes

Here, we show measurements and modeling to detect delaminations between the core and shell of an A-sandwich radome, as well as water trapped in the radome core. We also show proof of principle results indicating that a similar NDT defect detection method can be developed for use from 20 to 40 GHz, for both X-band dielectric radomes, as well as higher frequency millimeter wave radomes.