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Mu Measurement Probe (muMP)

Compass Technology Group's Epsilon Measurement Probe (eMP) measures complex permeability of specimens from 60 MHz to 500 MHz

The mu measurement probe (muMP) measures complex permeability of specimens from 60 MHz to 500 MHz. It consists of a short transmission line terminated in an electrical short. Material specimens are placed or built onto a conductive back plane and the sensor is placed on top to characterize real and imaginary magnetic permeability. CEM inversion rapidly converts the measured S-parameter data into magnetic properties.

Applications of the muMP:

  • This fixture characterizes materials either in a laboratory or industrial setting. The small footprint enables non-destructive testing of new materials or for quality assurance measurements of materials being manufactured. Example of how muMP has been used include:
    • Characterize a variety of magneto-dielectric materials, including magnetic absorbers (e.g. magram), and low-loss magnetic substrates for miniaturized antennas.

Benefits of the muMP

  • Uses CEM inversion, which combines a pre-determined lookup table with interpolation to obtain accurate magnetic properties.
  • Non-destructive method that needs little or no sample preparation.

Additional Information

  • muMP measurement fixture with integrated Copper Mountain R60 Vector Reflectometer. 
  • Designed for use with any Windows PC or laptop.
  • CTGcalc™ muMP Software (requires computer with Windows 10 or newer):
    • Data acquisition and calibration (communicates via USB with Copper Mountain VNA).
    • Uses CEM-based method to convert measured S11 into magnetic permeability.
    • Additional custom data-tables may be developed for different material types (at additional cost).
    • Plots measured and inverted data versus frequency, archives data into standard s1p and text formats for easy import into other plotting/analyses applications.
    • One year software support and upgrades.
  • All comes in a case for easy storage and transportation.