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Low Frequency Rectangular Waveguide

Low frequency rectangular waveguide equipment is set-up for use in a room
The term waveguide refers to a hollow, rectangular transmission line that guides Radio Frequency (RF) energy to interact with material specimens. The transmission and reflection amplitude and phase are measured, which then determine the intrinsic dielectric and/or magnetic properties of a material specimen. At VHF and UHF frequencies, the very large wavelength makes free-space methods for measuring materials impractical, so waveguide methods provide a viable alternative that requires large, but not unreasonable-sized specimens.

Applications of the VHF / UHF Waveguide:

VHF / UHF Waveguides are used in the design of radio frequency materials or components, such as radomes, absorbers, microwave substrates, and more. It can also be used to determine sheet impedance of resistive materials or shielding effectiveness of conductive materials.

Benefits of the VHF / UHF Waveguide:

  • Manufactured without welding components together, making it more precise and straighter than conventional UHF / VHF waveguides.

Additional Information:

  • WR-4200 standard inside dimensions of 42″ wide x 5.25″ tall. Additional sizes can be designed and manufactured.
  • WR-4200 operates from 160 to 350 MHz.
  • Optional: slotted section in the waveguide for non-destructive measurement of thin materials.