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Testing Moisture Levels in the Food Production Industry

Moisture levels in the food production industry need to be at specific levels for different types of food. If the moisture levels are incorrect, cost of food increases due to weight, texture of the food changes, production is affected, and the shelf life could be reduced. At Compass Technology Group, we work with the agriculture and food industries applying microwave sensors, testing how much water a product has in it and what the state of that water is. We do this non-destructively with equipment that reads moisture levels through the shell or packaging instead of having to remove it before testing.

Non-Destructive Testing Solutions for the Food Industry

The Compass Technology Group team uses our equipment to provide various solutions for the food production industry. This includes, but is not limited to:
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Poultry, Meat, and Seafood Processing

In poultry, meat, and seafood production, the state of the moisture is important in determining if myopathies exist within the product. Our sensors distinguish between the good meat that can be processed and served to humans and the other meat that either will be used in animal feed or disposed of. For example, our equipment can also be used to distinguish sushi-grade fish or the grades of other meats that can be served raw.
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Nuts and Grain Production

Using non-destructive testing equipment that doesn’t require shelling of nuts, we can help determine moisture contents within peanuts and other nuts at a less cost than the traditional methods. This equipment, used for both nuts and grains, determines that water levels are not higher than they should be. If water content is higher, the product will cost more since it will be heavier at the point of purchase from farmer to processor.
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Dry Goods Manufacturing

Moisture detection in many dry goods can help predict if a product will become stale faster than the expected expiration date. We have also used our equipment to determine if a product, such as honey, was pure or if it was mixed with another product that had a similar consistency but was being passed off as 100 percent pure.
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Farm Production

Our sensors can be added onto tractors either during production or aftermarket so that farmers can determine if crops are ready or if the soil is at the right moisture level.